Friday, October 23, 2015

Getting Back In The Saddle.

It is hard to believe that I have been away from my blog for almost a year. It was for good reason, a happy reason, but a long time to be away none the less. Let me just say if you have a personality like mine; before you go house hunting and eventually buy a house, you should see your doctor and get a sedative or two. I was unable to do anything else except concentrate on house hunting all spring and summer. First you do the research and find homes to look at and then you do the actual looking; the bidding comes next, and after bidding and losing on 2 houses, your new home the one that's been waiting for you appears and then the hard part begins. Oh I thought I was going to go crazy during this stage. Your waiting with bated breath as it is praying nothing falls through, and by day 3 of the 30 day wait you are praying that your phone just won't ring. Because you know if it does it will be the Realestate agent telling you the house isn't going to be ready for closing, or the mortgage guy needing just one more bank statement or signature or maybe just your left arm and a blood sample. Then 10 more calls from both of them and the selling agent just to reassure me that everything will be ready for closing.That is how my days went for what seemed like forever.Until finally one day we all sat down in an office where 10 pounds or more of paper was signed, at last all the searching, waiting, and worrying was done; the house was now our home. Now I could finally breath again and think about something other then finding a house to make our home. I could think about taking pictures again, blogging, as well as walking and all the other fun stuff I like to do. Well I could think about them any way; I still had a few things to get done before I could actually do any of this fun stuff; like I had to move. If you have ever moved before you know without my telling you, moving is a beast, a big burly ugly beast. Moving after living in the same storage unlimited space for over a decade is a big ugly beast that refuses to die. I am not sure we will ever be done moving; I am sure however we are happy.
  And I had decided my first blog WAS NOT going to be about the trials and tribulations of house hunting and buying. Oops. 
  What I had planned for my first writing was actually less writing and more pictures. I have between unpacking boxes managed a walk or two and I have indeed unpacked my camera. I have more then a few pictures for my welcome back post. All the photos are from the area around me, we moved into a gated community with lots and lots of homes; located right in the middle of farm land and preserved woodlands. It is like living in the burbs and the woods all at once.

There are barns everywhere I look. I found all of these less than a mile from my doorway.

This picture is for my friend Christine Peckelis. She passed away suddenly this year, she is not forgotten; just sorely missed. Christine always loved the photos where I got down on the ground and tried to peek between the trees.
Here are some random pretties that Autumn always brings.

Last but not least the front of my house as I get ready for Halloween and a visit (finally) with the little miss. Yes that is Trevor the pig basking in the sunshine on my front lawn. He has always graced the sail boat that I grew herbs in, now he is my guardian pig. He's happy as always.

It feels good to be writing again and it feels even better to have the worry free time to do it.
  Have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

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