Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Food Bowl Sunday

   I was worrying we wouldn't get snow. And it is still coming down. Everything is all fluffy and white and the snow is falling faster then the plows can move it.

 My kind of snow day.
     It took me all day yesterday to prepare and cook my feast, oh boy was it worth it. Actually I started Saturday by cooking my pork shoulder all night into the wee hours of the morning in the crock pot. It has taken me all day to get this blog together. Oh boy I hope it is worth it. Let me just tell you I am full. I ate every thing I photographed today and it was just as good the second time around.
   Since I started my cooking with the pulled pork I will start with that. Every thing I made yesterday was a 4 or 5 star recipe and the pulled pork was no different. 5 stars hands down. I followed the recipe as written and was not in the least disappointed. I used a bigger piece of meat so I cooked on low for just short of 12 hours giving me meat that shredded itself and melted in your mouth. I had condiments for the pork sandwiches but no one used any.
Kay Kay's Pulled Pork
 The pork on a roll was tasty enough alone.
    One of the most popular dishes on the table was a Mexican Lasagna with cactus.

 The cactus was a little hard to find but the hunt was fun and I always enjoy a chance to go into Philadelphia. Not only is this a good tasting dish it is pretty looking as well.
Mexican Lasagna

 There is only one thing I want to try  differently with this recipe but only because I like crunchy not because the recipe needs changing. I want to try this recipe again using hard taco shells instead of the flour tortillas.
   The other most popular was the Hot Wing Dip. My guest was eating the dip off their plates with a fork. There is no dip left but I have plenty of chips left. I had never had this dip with blue cheese in it before and in my opinion it is the perfect addition to buffalo chicken dip.
Hot Wing Dip

 Next time I make this I am serving it with celery sticks instead of chips.
    The other dishes on my table were very good as well but pork, dip, and Mexican Lasagna were the big scorers at my game table.
    By the time the game started we had already eaten our fill. Stuffed our faces is more like it. Still it was a good thing we had left some food out on the table, the Bronco fans at my house found it comforting to have something to nibble on as they watched their team have their hats handed to them.
   Among my other dishes was a tried and true favorite called Tropical Baked Beans. 
Tropical Baked Beans
We were just as happy with this warm and hearty recipe this time as the first time. This recipe is the perfect pot luck food, it can be made in large amounts and I have yet to meet someone that doesn't like it. 
   The recipe I was the most anxious to try making was it turns out a very easy dish to make and with the right ingredients very tasty too. Spinach and Spaghetti Squash Quiche. I added bacon, garlic, onion, and seasoning to this recipe after reading reviews that said it was good but bland. Nothing bland about what I made. The fact that there were none left after the game say's a lot.
Spinach Spaghetti Squash Quiche
 I guess real men do eat quiche. 
    Last but not least staring on my table was pigs in a blanket with a homemade honey mustard dip.
Honey & Mustard Sauce
 I only got a chance to photograph the dip because the pigs were gone before I could blink.
     After looking at my game day line up I definitely have to say my team of food joins The Seattle Sea Hawks in the winners circle. 
 I thought about a table shot just a little to late but what the hay it is a table that was completely enjoyed and it shows.
   What was your favorite commercial of the night. For me I can't pick between two. The Time Machine by Doritos and Hello Ladies by Chevy. Both had me choking on my chips and quiche.
  There seems to be no need for "What Was Dinner"? today considering the whole blog is What Was Dinner.
    The snow has stopped with a little daylight left so I am off to walk with the camera and see how white and fluffy the world is looking.
   I hope you are having a warm safe Monday! Thank you for stopping by. 

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