Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Daze and Leftovers

    Yesterday was almost perfect. It snowed all day and not that dry powdery stuff. This time it was the wet heavy snow that just begs to be played in.
    After the snow stopped I went for a walk. No surprise there I am sure. After a walk in the back and a few cool photos
Still day light out

Heavy snow weighing down my favorite pine cone branch 

Playing after dark

 I walked out on the road and into the neighborhoods to see what there was to see. Mostly a lot of heavy snow and people pushing it out of their way, but I did find a few interesting things to look at and photograph.
I managed to find some pine cones

 As I stood admiring the construction  of a snow fort and wondering how long it took to build I got an idea and then I started walking with a purpose looking for more signs of children playing in the snow.
I am not a child but  I can't resist a good packing snow

snow family, Like I say I love to play in the snow

This pretty snow princess was made by Madeline and her mom. 

   Here is my idea. I am doing a give away with this blog. Only not the normal give away you are not going to win anything instead a child none of knows is going to win a 25.00 Gift Card for Toys R Us.

 You are going to help pick the child that gets this give away. 
   I have pictures of things children created in the snow yesterday. I am asking you to vote on the creation you like best. Not the photo because I am still learning how to take pictures and snow is a challenge for me still. So please don't vote on the quality of the photo but what you think is the best creation. The highest vote gets the prize. I am sure it will be a happy surprise for someone. I thank you in advance for playing along and helping me make someones day just a little nicer.






 " What Was Dinner"? Left overs. We enjoyed pulled pork sandwiches with tropical baked beans and a little of the hot wing dip. It was all just as good as the first time around. Exactly right for a lazy snow day like yesterday.


  1. I live #1 - oh the innocence of a child!

  2. Thank you for voting bd.weld. Your vote has been counted :)

  3. I like #2. And I love the idea behind this give away!

  4. Thank you B.S.M for voting. I like this give away too it is so much fun.

  5. Something about #1 is very sweet! Love the idea!

  6. Beckie thank you for your vote. I really appreciate it, this is going to make one child or another very happy I hope.

  7. Randy thank you so much for voting.

  8. What an unexpected sweet surprise in our mailbox today! My 3 little builders were jumping up and down as I read to them your note! It will be scrapbooked right along pictures of " Bob!" Thank you for your generosity and fun spirit! We'll be sure to pay it forward!!!


Who Knows

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