Friday, January 31, 2014

Super Bowl and dinner

 It is Friday and 2 more days till the big game. Big game, big parties, and lots and lots of food. Every where you look, cooking sites on line and on TV as well as food magazines all that you see read and hear is Food Bowl. So do you have your menu planned?
  We do and I am super excited about it. Normally Super Bowl Sunday is just another Sunday. We don't go to or host a party because of the late start time and Bill's early start time the next day. This year however the game is starting earlier and we are hosting a small Super Bowl  get together.
  Appies are the food of choice for this gathering of friends. There are only 5 maybe 6 people coming but the menu at this point looks like 60 are coming. I need to pair it down and it aint easy.
   There are few dishes on the menu that are written in stone and can not be removed no matter what. They are tried and true and we can't party with out them. How can it be a party with out pigs in the blanket, and wings. A few of the dishes like the buffalo dip has to be on the table and the recipe our friend Rich uses is top notch but after reading a few different recipes for the fun of it while planning our Super Bowl feast, Rich came across a few he liked and he just may be trying a new recipe this time. There are a few new things  that I am looking forward to making as well as tasting like the Spinach and spaghetti squash quiche.
my menu

  I am still looking around to see if there are dishes or recipes I want to add to my menu but I am going to have to make up my mind once and for all soon so Bill can get the shopping done.
  " What Was Dinner "? I found a new recipe site. Not new but new to me and it is a bevy of good recipes without faces. I had pork steaks to use for dinner and I found pages of recipes that sounded good and were simple with ingredients normally kept in the pantry. I decided on a recipe that sent my senses reeling and my memories right back to Grandma's Sunday dinner dinner table. She loved this type of recipe and used it on every meat under the sun.

 Country Fried Pork Steak served with Mashed Potatoes, & corn. Not the healthiest dinner of the week but very good just the same.
country fried pork

   I get to spend the afternoon with my most favorite girl Miss Madeline. Always a happy way to spend my time.
   Have a happy and safe Friday. Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Enjoy your day and your food today! I'm jealous :) We will have to go somewhere to watch the SuperBowl ourselves - since we moved, we only have antenna tv and hulu - and naturally, Fox is a channel we cannot seem to get reception for in anyway whatsover. Bummed.

  2. Thank you I started cooking yesterday making the pulled pork and then I was up and cooking at 8am this morning. Bill just keeps saying who is going to eat all this food. Shame you aren't closer you could come here and help us eat it all. Where ever you watch the game I hope you enjoy.


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