Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dinner In The summer Time/Week End Of The Heat Part 2

After the busy day of travel and swimming on Saturday we didn't want to go any further then our back yard. The weather was a cool 98 degrees and cloudy. A perfect day for our yard.  Bill made a seating area that was guaranteed to keep a body cool and comfortable using a fan and California mister,I scrubbed the play area down getting rid of all the dirt and bugs and leaves,I also scrubbed out the little kiddie pool we hadn't used in a few years 
I need to figure out how to make this work a fest

a close up of the mister in action

The site of much fun and coolness
So while My son, his wife, Bill and I sat in cool comfort watching Madeline  play around the yard, the grill did all the work for us. We enjoyed burgers for lunch with muster cheese and brown mustard. We all enjoyed the pink in the middle burgers except Billy my son, he like my mother likes his meat over done. (yuck) For dinner we had ribs and old fashion potato salad with lettuce,tomato, and bacon. I thought it would be a good match with the ribs, I was right  it was. A complete meal that tasted wonderful and wasn't to heavy or filling in the heat.

Well all I can say is beating the heat this week end has proved to be one of my most enjoyable week ends so far this summer. Staying out of the kitchen couldn't have been more fun!

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