Tuesday, May 29, 2012

What Was Dinner 05/28/2012

Yesterday was Zoo day with my family. What a perfect day. Sunny,hot and full of fun.
 For dinner we hung out at the birthday boy's house and helped eat up all the left over party food. I was so busy swimming with my granddaughter I took no pictures,actually I didn't even think of the camera I was having so much fun.
 Added to the left over stuffed shells,ham and assorted side dishes was a few fresh dishes like the rainbow colored coleslaw salad with a sweet dressing and raisins.Not a dish that I liked,I am not a fan of raisins and there was a raisin in every bite.Also added to dinner was a rack of ribs(if your counting what is that ribs 3 times in a week? No wonder I groan at the thought of ribs by summers end) and a pan of very good baked beans.
 As we sat around the pool in the fading sun enjoying our dinner Madeline provided the entertainment with her ever amazing personality and charm,she is so social and out going and full of energy it is impossible to not be enchanted by her.
 The perfect end to the perfect day! 

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         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...