Monday, July 29, 2019

The last Chapter, 10

 This is the final chapter, the first chapter is titled "Short story turned long, title less " all the rest are numbered. I did my best to get all the chapters on page 1 of my dash board. I went back and read it from chapter 1 and I have to say, I am pleased with myself. My first try ever at writing a story, it took me forever to Finnish, but it is a pretty good first effort. I am sure a professional writer could rip it a part in seconds, but you have to start somewhere, right? So grab your coffee and curl up in your favorite chair and enjoy.
   Being careful not to be seen again, Joe watches for a few days from a safe distance away, high up in the trees giving him a good view of the camp and all of the comings and goings. Joe waits for the perfect night, a night with clouds and no moonlight, even a little thunder to cover some of the noise. Joe gets the horses from his hiding spot and moves them in as close as he possibly dares and then he waited some more. The waiting seemed like it would never end, finally the entire camp has settle down. Joe watches as Lily Mea goes into her lodge and like every other night except for the baby she's  alone. Quietly he enters the lodge from the back side, he quickly wakes Lily Mea with a hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming. After the first shock of it all Lily didn't need convincing, She gathers what  she knows she will need for the baby, and what she can carry in the blanket she fashioned into a baby sack to hold Bonnie against her chest, keeping Lily Mea's hands free to do what ever she needed to do, to be free once again. They make their way to the horses and are just about to make a clean getaway, when a young brave  who is up relieving himself spots them. The brave hollers a warning before Joe can get to him. Joe throws Lily Mea up on the horse and slaps its haunches almost before she has found her seat. Joe is up on his horse and in no time right by Lily Mea's side. With the wind in their faces and the dark night sky over head the pair race for freedom. Joe hears a thunk and Lily Mea groan but when he looked over at her she was sitting straight in the saddle holding on to the reins and the baby for dear life. They ride the entire night without stopping and Joe leads them to the little town  where he had gotten the horses and supplies. 
   The town has only one small boarding house, that has a back room with a reputation, but it would do for a day or two while Lily Mea rested and figured out what she wanted to do. One thing Joe knew for sure, no matter where Lily Mea wanted to go he would get her there. Hell he'd even get her a fancy new dress to start her new life in, thats how happy he was that she was still alive. 
   They get to the boarding house and with a weak smile Lily Mea hands the baby down to Joe.  Lily Mea looked kind of pale, and somewhat tired, leaving Joe to wonder, if maybe he had ridden too hard and fast.
    The Lady running the boarding house steps out of the door way to great them, seeing Bonnie she starts gushing about the sweet little baby and can she hold the precious little thing, Joe no more then handed the baby over, when Lily Mea falls off the horse and damn near hits the ground but Joe catches her just in time. That is when Joe sees the blood  and there is lots of blood.
    An arrow has found its mark in Lily Mea's back hitting something vital. Lily Mea was bleeding to death. Joe was hollering for help, but Lily knew it was to late, Lily Mea knew she was about to take her last breath, and she used it to extract a promise from Joe. " Joe promise me please you will find Bonnie a good loving home, and you promise you will come at least once a year till she's grown, to make sure she is okay, you promise me Joe, promise me that Joe, so I can rest in peace."Fighting the tears that are threatening to spill over his cheeks, and his voice cracking so that he is barely able to speak, Joe responds" Lily Mea, I promise you Bonnie will be raised well and never want for nothing". With those words Lily breathed her last breath in Joes arms and departed  this world.
    It took days and a small fortune to get it arranged, but Joe made sure that Lily Mea was laid to rest in proper style. He had the best coffin made for her, flowers were plentiful, and he searched high and low until he found the fanciest dress ever seen. It was one of the saddest sights the town had ever seen, as they watched Joe carrying little Bonnie down the road as he followed behind Lily Mea to her final resting place. Head bowed holding Bonnie tighter then need be with tears streaking his face, Joe knew he had done right by Lily Mea and sent her home to God just as she would have wanted, he also knew he would never lead another Wagon train again, and that he would never ever for get Lily Mea. 
    He knew he wouldn't forget because the loving home that would see to it Bonnie never wanted for anything, was going to be with him.

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         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...