Monday, March 9, 2015

Too Frustrated


   I wrote a nice post all about my weekend starting with my injured knee and ending with all the fun we had with Madeline even if I was unable to walk and play too. Well due to operator error my entire post just vanished off my screen. I am to frustrated  and uncomfortable to try and re-write my post so I am going to let the pictures tell the story. After Domino body slammed my knee all I could do was take pictures of the fun. Not to worry I am on the mend and will be walking normally before the week is over. All in all injury aside it was a great weekend and I am sure my  pictures will say it better then I can. The nature shots are from earlier in the day  when I could still walk.


  1. Looks like Bill had as much fun as Maddy! Glad you are on the mend. Those scenic pictures should be on postcards.

  2. BSM, thank you. Yes he laughed and played so hard tis past weekend and he never stopped smiling.


Who Knows

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