Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Is it Really March?

       Time is just flying by. It is March and for more than one reason I find it hard to believe that to be true. Number one it was January 1st just a minute ago. I blinked and it was March. Number two March means the coming of spring and flowers, well if you live anywhere but the north and mid east coast that is. My state is expecting a foot of snow over night tonight. On top of the ice and sleet that March saw fit to deliver her first 3 days of being. In like lion out like a lamb. One can only hope.
   The ice storm gave me a chance to get some real nice pictures.  Ice is so beautiful, so dangerous, and at times even fun, it is hard not to be intrigued by it. Walking out back to play with my camera was a little more than dicy and convinced me to stay close to home. That was just fine because there was no shortage of sights to see.

  The pine tree actually had to lay some of it's branches on the ground to rest from the weight of the ice. No branches broke much to my happiness and when the ice had melted the tree was able to lift it's branches back proudly in the air.

 Another type of pine tree had a bald spot in the middle where the weight of the ice just laid branches down. It took two days but the tree has resumed it normal beauty and is standing tall as always.

  Ice incased everything it touched. I am sure the plants and trees weren't loving it, but to my eye everything the ice touched became even more beautiful. There is something mysteries and spellbinding when the sun reflects off the leaves, pinecones, and berries all covered in ice.

    Even the exposed wood in our wood pile found itself coated in ice.  So sleek and smooth and then after the melt it was just wet.

  After the ice melted and the sun was shining bright for a few hours the bird and squirrels came out to play. This little fellow found an orange slice to nosh on. Much  to my pleasure he found a seat right in my camera range.

    It has been raining all day today and will continue until late tonight, when temperatures will change and then its going to snow for about 6 to 8 hours giving us with any luck a foot of snow. My computer photography trainer today helped me find a few new,Old Red Barns to photograph and once the roads are clear I will be off to enjoy 1 foot snow red barns and my camera.
    I entered a photo in a small contest that only had bragging rights and a day of your photo on their web site front page. I didn't win  not even close I suspect but I got my feet wet and the photo that did win was indeed spectacular.

 I feel pretty good about the photo I submitted, Madeline always makes a good subject.

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