Friday, February 13, 2015

Birthday Bounty!

 This week I turned another year older. My joints are telling me another year has past much louder than the calendar. Even with a few aches and pains ,this past year treated me pretty dog gone good. I can only hope this new year will go as good as it has started. 
  I always wish for snow on my birthday, this year unlike the past few years I didn't get my wish. I kept hearing snow reports for this entire week but not a single flake landed on or near my house. I may have not gotten snow but all my other wishes came true, even wishes I wasn't aware I had made. 
 The day before my birthday I got everything spic and span all in good order. On my actual birthday there was nothing to be done other then normal daily chores. This meant I could curl up on the couch with a cup of my favorite tea, a roaring fire, and a line up of movies and programs on TV  I have been wanting to watch. All cozy and comfortable I was just thinking the day couldn't get any better when the white delivery van pulled into my driveway. I open the front door and watch as a beautiful vase full of red roses and one sunflower make it's way towards me.

 Sunflowers  are a favorite flower of mine and and absolutely makes the roses  even more eye catching. 

 I was pleased so very pleased.
 The Hubby had worked a 12 hour day into the late hours of the evening and then the next day(my birthday) had to get up in the wee hours of the morning for another 9 hour day. This meant I would make dinner, I planned something simple, good ,and easy to make. Other than enjoying a nice dinner together I had no more expectations for the day. No matter how tired he was or how hard he  had worked Hubby made sure my special day surpassed my expectation with thoughtful gestures and gifts. It started with the flowers and ended with a card that made me cry, with a little  silver Guardian Angel in the middle for good measure.

 A more perfect Birthday I couldn't imagine. From a morning all to myself  with the TV, to the last bite of Birthday cake it was everything I wished for.

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