Monday, October 27, 2014

The Sandwich That Makes Soup A Meal !

The other day my darling husband made a pot of his famous refrigerator soup. So named because he cleans out the fridge and makes soup with all the goodies he finds in the vegetable drawer. This particular soup enjoyed the addition of ginger and rosemary giving the soup a french feeling. He made the soup one day and put it in the refrigerator for the next day. We all know soup and chili's are always better the second day.
 I am one of those people that don't find soup to be a complete and satisfying meal even if the soup has meat in it. Knowing my sweet husband would want his delicious soup for dinner I woke up that morning thinking about sandwiches.

 A simple grilled cheese wasn't going to cut it, this soup as fancy as it tasted needed something real special. All morning I drew a blank and then all of a sudden it came to me right out of the bleu. I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to make it work but I had an idea. What did we do before the internet and Google? After Googling my idea and seeing hundreds of photos I knew it would work. I closed down the laptop and went to the grocery store. I had no actual recipe just an idea and a list of ingredients I thought would make my sandwich great.
  Do I have you on the edge of your seat wondering what I came up with? Well it isn't an original idea as the internet search proved but it still was a darn good idea.
 Well I won't drag this out any longer. Drum roll please
 Cordon Bleu Grinder.

One very delicious sandwich that is made to impress. 
I used a fresh loaf of French Baguette, thin sliced tavern ham, a roasted chicken breast, lots of Swiss Cheese, and a honey mustard dressing. I started with 3 slices of cheese on the bread then thin slices of chicken breast, ham slices on top of that the dressing went on here more sliced chicken and then 3 more slices of cheese, top it all off with the top half of the bread. Place it in a 400 degree oven until the cheese is all melty and the bread is crispy crusty.
 I will make a few changes next time and there will be a next time. Just a few small changes like putting the dressing on the bread, and using chicken that has been lightly breaded.
   This sandwich will make any occasion even better. From tailgating to showers and everything in between this sandwich will be a real show stopper. As easy and quick as they are to make they will disappear even quicker, so make plenty. 

 Have a cheery Monday! Thank you for stopping by.      

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