Monday, October 20, 2014

8 Years Of Love & Travels

 Saturday was our 8th Anniversary. After the house was cleaned the laundry done and all the hubby's chores were done too we packed our over night bags got someone to stay with Mom and we were off. The lack of a Saturday post was due to an anxious need to get on the road and let the honeymoon begin.
  We headed less then an hour away from home with just 2 things on our minds. A romantic dinner and Wheaton Village. We decided that Sunday would be the day we would visit the village and Saturday evening and night would be reserved for enjoying one of the best indoor pools we have ever had the pleasure of swimming in, dinner, and enjoying each others company all alone. As far as I am concerned it was the perfect plan. I came home Sunday afternoon relaxed and so very happy. I am sure you understand when I say I was too busy being in love Saturday night and never gave the camera a thought. Just imagine two people smiling, laughing, even giggling at times as they enjoyed good food, floating around in warm blue water and falling in love all over again, and you have the picture.
 Now Sunday and Wheaton village and pictures, you don't have to imagine a thing. I have plenty of pictures. When I planned my day this morning I made the decision to wait until I was done my daily chores before I wrote this post. I like to write as much I like to cook and almost as much as I love to take pictures. It takes a little bit of time to write a post,a few hours at best and well some times I feel more pressure then pleasure when I sit down to write and my house is not in order. I figure I would enjoy writing more if there was no pressure, and I really wanted to enjoy yesterday one more time.
 The weather changed on Sunday, the  temperature dropped and the wind kicked up it was down right chilly and good windbreakers were absolutely needed. My first view of the Village was not as impressive as I thought it would be. It took more then a few steps into the village before I even thought about taking out my camera. Once my eye was caught however I quickly became enchanted with my surroundings and settled into enjoying it completely.

Mostly I am going to let the pictures take you on the tour. I have been wordy enough already. 
 Our first stop was the pottery shop where you see pottery in every stage from beginning to end. There was even a few glass displays thrown in for good measure.

 Next we sat in on to a glass making demonstration in the glass studio.

 Weeks before there had been a competition for young children. They drew bugs and the winning pictures were going to be made into glass. We lucked out and got to see one of the winning drawings being made. Pardon the big bubble on the winners face, I forgot to ask permission to use the winners picture. Let me just say the caterpillars smile was made to look like the winners big bright smile.

 Next it was the glass museum. I could have spent hours taking photos, instead I enjoyed looking and only taking pictures of my favorite and what I thought was the most interesting.

 Next came shopping,

I put my camera away and 
fully immersed myself in all the glass trinkets and novelties made just for our pleasure. I love glass of all colors and shape so even the shopping was like being in the museum except now you could touch and get up close and personal.
  After a delightful lunch in a local Irish pub, we headed home happy and content with smiles on our faces.
  Hope you had a cheery Monday! Thank you for stopping by.    

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