Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Late no story, no dinner

 I don't want to leave Wednesday blank so I will leave a short blurb here and fill in the blanks for you.
   This afternoon Mom went outside and lost her balance. She fell backwards landing on her head and hips. She has cracked a few vertebra's and a big goose egg on her head. I spent the better part of the afternoon in the ER with her. At dinner time it was decided she would not be going home with me but staying to rest and heal and have intense pain control.
  I just don't have it in me to sit and write a happy story right now. Mom will be fine but that doesn't stop the worry or concern, or more importantly the uncertainty of it all.
  There are no pictures and no dinner today. I am sure you understand. I have a dinner just waiting to share with you, but it will wait a day or two while I get Mom settled and all the answers I need. I will be back to writing before the week is out so please stayed tune and keep coming back
  Happy Wednesday to you! Thank you for stopping by.  


  1. Prayers for your mom to a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.

    1. Thank you bd, all prayers are appreciated very much. I will do my best to take car of me.

  2. Good luck with all that and hope mom heals fast

    1. Thank you Mike, thank you very much. I am happy to read your family is on the home and happy track with Landon.


Who Knows

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