Saturday, May 31, 2014

Practicing & Dinner

  Friday was clear and comfortable outside, but the ground was to wet to work in the garden. So with the house clean and the garden out of bounds I decided Friday was a good day to walk and practice with my camera. 
  I took pictures of any thing and everything, from food to birds, even weeds and clouds got my attention. I spent my entire time working on lighting and what effects you get with each different setting. The rose is one of my favorite pictures of the day. I experimented big time with that. I opened my ISO all the way up and took the f speed? as high as it would go. ( high numbers low light low numbers highlight I always have to repeat that to myself) I just love the effect I got.

 Picturing the clouds was easier with my 55mm lens then the zoom lens.

 For some reason lighting with the zoom lens is so much harder to master then the 55mm. I finally figured out how to get the picture with my zoom, but oh my it wasn't easy.

 While I was unsuccessfully trying to photograph a group of white flowers with my zoom this Red winged Black bird settled it self in a tree right next to me begging to be photoed so I did.

 As I was about to change back to my 55mm lens this little fellow came and played with me.

 I think he is a Cat bird but I am not sure. Later as I was walking along the trail I came across this guy in the tree making a sound that was very much cat like.

 I had my 55 lens on by then and didn't really think I would get the picture. Pretty pleased that I did.
  The weeds and flowers were fun to picture and I did finally get a real pretty white flower group with my 55mm lens. walking around a bend in the path and coming across the wild Iris was an unexpected and pleasant surprise. Bringing a smile to my face, and my feet to a halt.

 I am not sure you can call it walking because I spend so much time stopped taking pictures, whatever you call it it was fun and I came home happy and satisfied.  

 I have been reading this thing on face book about using cinnamon and honey to heal, sooth, and even weight loss. There was one suggestion to use a honey cinnamon mix on toast rather then jam or jelly. It is suppose to be better for diabetics then sugar products. Mom likes cinnamon and sugar as well as honey and butter on toast so I thought why not. For the last two days she has been enjoying rye toast topped with butter and a mix of honey and cinnamon. She stops short of licking her plate, but just barely.

 Like cinnamon and sugar the cinnamon goes a long way so you only need a little bit.
    " What Was Dinner" Dinner was my first faceless recipe this month. It was a dang good faceless recipe too. Cinnamon is getting a lot of play time in my house and this dinner was no exception.

 I had Never heard of putting cinnamon in tomato sauce before and just had to give it a try when I read the recipe. Like I said dang good. The Dzia wasn't sold on it but says I can do it again just not to soon. I will put it in my winter round up of comfort food recipes. I added spinach to the mix because I had some that needed using up, the combination not only sounded good, it was good. Having pasta was a real treat for us. We don't have it often anymore and we do at times miss it. I used Johnsonvile ( as if I would use anything else!)ground sweet Italian sausage as my ground meat and the smell of the meat, wine, and cinnamon simmering together had my whole household standing over the pot inhaling. The aroma was intoxicating to say the least. 

You won't see the spinach in the pictures because I removed some sauce for taste testing and the picture for the recipe. That way I was able to review the recipe as written and give it a face that matched the recipe.Field Grade Spaghetti Sauce!
   I hope you enjoyed walking with me, have a wonderful weekend. As always thank you for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic idea! I love putting a touch of cinnamon in my pizza sauces but had never thought to make the leap to pasta sauce - will have to give it a try!


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