Monday, April 16, 2018

It Begins

 I was planning an entirely different post for today, until my husband, and my friend Jill said I had to post more recent photos of myself and explain that the photos I posted yesterday are from 2017, one in May,one in June and one in September. They are, were the most recent photos I had of myself since I am always behind the camera not in front of it. Even this past week I went on a trip with the Garden Club and I am not in the group photo, because I took the group photo. ( Not very well I might add, I needed to take more time and really look at what I was shooting.) So anyway Bill took some pictures of me yesterday, giving me the most recent photos I can get.  This is the same shirt I was wearing in the RR tracks picture.

   The photo on the railroad tracks is from May 2017 on a trip called Spring Fling. Its a foodie thing and a great deal of fun. That picture is how I got to this point in my life, it is why I decided I needed to fix myself. I was 180 lbs in that picture. I didn't realize until I saw myself in this photo just how little I was taking care of myself. I really didn't put any effort into it at that point, I gave up soda for a while and drank home brewed ice tea instead, but I didn't change my eating habits, or exercise. So I still wasn't doing anything to take care of myself and my health.
  The photo of me in a dress standing next to a board of photos is June 2017, at the LeisureTowne's Photography Clubs 1st Photography Exhibit. Giving up the soda made a small difference but not much really. Soon after the show I start walking with my friend Jill and we get real good at it. There is plenty of walking just on the sidewalks here, but Jill and I  have discovered we like to get off the beaten path and find places no one knows about, and in LeisureTowne there are plenty.
 The last photo is from September 2017, The Photo Club took a field trip to Edwin B Forsythe nature refuge. An awesome day. I have fallen off the wagon here and am back to drinking soda, but the walking has been doing some good and I have lost a few pounds, enough for it to show.
   Then winter hits and our walking slows to a halt. Jill and I use the gym here and there but not as much as we should. I switched to diet soda much to everyones disappointment, sodas no good for you really and diet is worse, but at least I wasn't getting so many calories.( at least thats what I was telling myself.) 
  And that brings us to today. This morning I got up and weighed myself, and now I won't get on that scale for 21 days. Already the suspense sounds like torture to me. LOL! As of this AM I weigh 158 LBS. My goal is to be 135 by June, so please by all means Wish Me Luck.

  Last night I used the diet cook book and made a salad from the book, as well as the green beans. Both were excellent. I followed the guide line for filling my plate and it was to much food for me. Your suppose to fill half your plate with your green veggies, 1/4 of the plate is protein , and the last 1/4 is your starchy veggie.  I didn't finish my plate and I wasn't hungry all night. In fact I wasn't even interested in ice cream when I scooped it for Mom.

  I really have no clue what I will do for dinner tonight, it will be chicken, and veggies , but the how hasn't hit me yet. I have plenty of choices and on my menu I have 4 good recipes and ideas I just haven't wrapped my mind around one yet. Not unusual for me, I normally don't know exactly what I am making for dinner until I am cooking it. I made lunch for today last night so I only have to warm it up and serve it, except I still haven't had breakfast and I am not exactly hungry. I think I will only make 1/2 a smoothie today.
  It looks as if the rain has decided to take a break for now, so I am off to take Getty walking, you all have a wonderful day, and thanks for stopping by.

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         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...