Thursday, April 12, 2018

Evesham No Care Care One

While the writing is jerky and not orderly, it is what I and Mom experienced .  I wrote as it happened. When it comes to loved ones and re-hab or long term care, don't be afraid ,speak up, complain, and transfer if need be.

1) Mom was transported during dinner hour. Care one arranged transport from Deborah to the rehab center to take place during dinner hours. Pick up as dinner was served, delivered as dinner was cleared away.  I ordered dinner as soon as I walked into Care One Rehab. 5:50 pm aprox after 7pm Mom finally was served a Cold grilled cheese sandwich with a cup of soup so cold the fat had congealed at the top.
  Mom arrived at 5 :30 pm ish  and was deposited in a dank grey room with NO ONE to greet her. She had to pee and did not know where the bathroom was or how to get there.
 I arrived shortly after Mom to find her lost and alone in a dank gloomy room with no idea where she was and needing to pee. I asked for help and was told the staff was too busy to help her. I finally made an aid get het to the bathroom.  The Nurse was to busy to really get involved and when she did she was so uninformed that she was of no help.
No evaluation was done for Mom when she was first brought into Care One. Nothing was recorded or done. Evaluations are suppose to be done on EVERY person being admitted to Care One.
 2) April 20 Am THEY HAVE NO IDEA MY MOM IS THERE. I show up before 11:00 am. 3 times I talk to her nurse  ( Selenee )with no answers, except " I am to busy to help you " I at long last break down in a crying fit and demand that Mom be moved NOW to a better place, I get attention and what I at this time believe to be lip service, that Mom will be better cared for and her diet will be followed. I was gone no more then an hour when she was offered a chocolate drink. Chocolate being a big NONO,  I had been told that wouldn't happen.
 Mom is not alone in this neglect, her room mate came in on 4/20/2016 at 2pmish an hour later the poor lady was still slumped forward in the room chair almost falling out waiting for someone to get her in bed. A bed that wasn't even made yet. The nurse  (Selene)came in twice noted the condition and walked out again. I went to lunch and let the nurse know the lady was still falling out of the chair even thought the aid had come and made the bed. When I came back from lunch the poor lady was still falling out of the chair. 4 hours after her arrival the Nurse finally came and took the lady's vitals and to fill out paper work, with the promise that they would ease her pain and care for her, neither of which happened before I left.
 3) I complained that Mom's bed and room were not cleaned. The aid never made the bed I did, and her side of the room was not swept or mopped. A dirty sock and ashes told me that. The house keeper Tanya came back into the room and while talking to a friend scared Mom  as she complained  and banged things around,about having to re mop a room, again not sweeping or mopping my Mom's side.
 4) Day 3 isn't really any better. She is wearing the same cloths from yesterday despite the clean cloths in her dresser. The scrap of material I put under the bed is still there, She was in PT when I arrived, with no shoes on because she and the staff couldn't find her sneakers. They had been pushed under the bed where Mom would never be able to get them without crawling on the floor. The aid ( Daffany)was as always to busy to look in on Mom let alone do anything for Mom , even after looking me in the face and promising me she would be there to get Mom to dinner, she was to busy to get there and Mom sat forgotten until I again pitched a fit. I am becoming afraid to complain worrying about Mom's safety and how she will be treated when I am not there. The day nurse (Selene) is still overwhelmed and finds it hard to get things done or to help in anyway. I found Mom walking alone with no walker or aid to get to the bathroom because she had to go and no one answered her call. The nurse had no real answer for me other then the aids are understaffed. One nurse( Tameka) makes me comfortable but not 100% I really am worried about how Mom is being treated when I am not around.
 After reporting 5 times in the last 36 hours that the paper towel dispenser is not working ( a battery I am sure ) it is still not working. All staff on the floor wonders why I care, so what they don't dry their hands?
 Paper towel a battery was at last put in. A week after Mom was admitted to the Re Hab center her room was still a shit hole. Curtain half hung and hung to high, window to dirty to look out of and the floor you actually stick to it when you walk on it. 3 days worth of trash in the cans and the bathroom was just plain dirty. At the family care meeting 4/26/16 I complain about this and the lack of care and attention from the aids, I complain about the loud and unpleasant fighting between the aids, and between the aids and nurses, fighting about not wanting to do their jobs. I leave the meeting thinking things will get done. Nope, I had to complain once more before I got any action. 4/27/16 Jen the social worker knows she is beyond helping me and hands me off to her boss who after making me wait half an hour hands me off to the ADoN. Things start to happen and the curtain is hung all the way but still incorrectly, the floor while being re mopped is still sticky, the guy they brought to clean the room to appease me, he sucked, cleaned what didn't need cleaning and didn't clean what needed cleaning. He ran a rag over the window with out touching the window and said it was dirt on the outside. All that person did was make a bad situation worse, because the room is still dirty and now the regular house keeper ( who needs retraining or firing ) is pissed and once again being loud and pushy. She even told off her superiors and still she has a job and still even though I MADE IT VERY CLEAR she was not to enter my Mom's room she is still the housekeeper for that hall and entering moms room as she pleases.
April 29th Saw Mom get up and walk across the room with out any aid at all no wheelchair or walker. Point this out to the Nurse ( Tameka ) and I am told by Nurse and Mom's room mates family this is happening ALL the time. When I asked what was being done about it, the answer was a big fat NOTHING. I asked for a walker since she won't use the wheelchair, the nurse told me she couldn't get me one because if Mom fell she would lose her job ( Tameka ) ? So if Mom falls because she has no aid well that is okay? I go to nurse at the nursing station and she calls PT for me. A walker is ordered and brought to the room.
April 30th Less then 24 hours after the walker arrives Mom falls in the hallway going to dinner. There is so much crap in the hallway that the nursing staff didn't see Mom fall and had trouble finding her when I called for help.
 CEO Jim brought the head of housekeeping to the room on 4/27/16 the day after I saw the ADON, I showed him all the dirt and filth that has been building up for a long time. I took a rag and cleaned the window, when I pulled the rag off of the window the rag was black. Not even a bat of an eyelash,from the head of house keeping, I ran my finger along the window ledge I pushed enough dust up to make a hill, you could see from the other side of the room, again he didn't bat an eye lash. I pointed out that this is a long time build up of dirt still nothing, I point out that it is bad training as well as lazy housekeepers, this got a reaction, just no real results, lip service and nothing more. Mom's room got cleaned the way I wanted only to shut me up.The Ceo suggested maybe John ( HOHK) should do a weekly check. I don't think John heard him.
  May 1 or 2 I notice Mom's legs and body are completely swollen, the skin on her legs is cracking. I point it out and Mom is put to bed, a X ray was ordered Stat, 4 hours later they finally come take the X ray. 6 hours after that the X ray is read, based solely on that they resume Mom's normal routine. No other DR is consulted until a day later when a heart DR see's her. Breathing treatments are ordered and it is decided to just use Teds and keep the legs up to reduce the swelling. Her kidneys can't take any kind of water pill.
    May 7th Mom's room once again a royal mess. I walked in to find the Bed raised so high up in the air Mom couldn't get in it and if she tried she would surely fall, Mom is sitting in a wheel chair with her legs down, her walker was on the other side of the room near the bathroom. I got Daffeney who blamed PT, Mom's nurse was as usual busy else where ( Danice) . I speak to the weekend Administrator ( Judy ) and she speaks to PT, the weekend staff are not comfortable with Mom using the walker alone in her room and they don't want her getting into bed alone. I could not make anyone understand what an unsafe way they had left Mom. She would not of used the wheelchair if she had to pee she would have gotten up and walked. I asked  " If PT or OT rather felt it was unsafe for Mom to get into bed by herself why didn't they just simply help her into bed?" No one could answer that. Her legs are suppose to be up above her heart to get this swelling down. Judy couldn't seem to understand this even after she told me she was once a nurse. She also told me I am on a list, a PITA list and if I complain just fix what ever I complain about. She also knew Daffany is a very bad aid and rarely does her job well. When I came in at 10:30 am  Mom's roommate was sitting in her wheelchair, dirty and smelling bad because she had pooped and needed changing, her bed was not even made. Daffany came in when I called about how Mom was left in the room, she breezed right by Dorthy as if she weren't there did what I asked and then left the room. Daffany decided this would be a good time to take a break. So she left the floor with one person having an open wound that was bleeding, another person sitting in their own waste, and their bed completely stripped of sheets, and another person needing help to get off the toilet, I know all this because the other aid ( Emily ) was screaming about it in the hallway, saying how she couldn't handle it. Emily pretty much complained the entire day about how she couldn't handle her job. When Dorthy's daughter came in an hour later the bed had been made but because Dorthy was being difficult  she still hadn't been cleaned up. It wasn't until Dorthy started fighting with her daughter trying to get out of bed to clean herself, that Dorthy got clean. Up to this point Mom and I could not even stay in the room because the smell was so bad. Mom is suppose to be in bed with her legs up but she can't because the room is unlivable. For most of the 7th Mom was not able to have her legs up and the swelling by the time I went home was worse then it had been in days. The house keeper, ( no name ) came in late and decided Mom's room was one she wouldn't bother to clean. There was hair on the bathroom floor, soap scum down the wall under the dispenser, trash from Dorthy's collospy bags scattered around, and the bedroom floor was covered in all sorts of debris .
  I asked about showers for my Mom and was told she had had one, at least the paper work says so, but I do believe the paper work lies. I can't prove it but I have never come in to find Mom with clean hair or smelling like she had been showered.
     Mom was suppose to have come home this past Friday but the swelling ended that, now I have no date for her home coming and on Tuesday she has to start paying a very high co pay, so high in fact that one week will cost her, her entire SS check. I feel like things are being done wrong just to prolong her time there.
 Nurse supervisor Michelle  dropped the ball a few times forgetting to get back to me when I asked to speak to her. I asked her to be in the family care meeting and she said she would, she wasn't there. The next day 4/27/16 as I am wheeling Mom down to lunch, because the aid once again forgot to come and get her, I ask if I can speak to Michelle, Michelle sees that I am pushing Mom's wheel chair and from the look on Michelle's face she knows what I want to talk about. She ask for 2 minutes to answer a phone call, says she will meet me in the dinning room. I gave her a half hour, walked past her twice, once to take Mom back to her room after lunch and then again when I went looking for someone to fix the problems. Then she remembered I wanted to talk to her.
5/7/16 Nurse Denise forgot to give afternoon Meds. I asked her about it and when she checked her books she had forgotten and fixed her mistake with a later does.
June, Mom finally came home, much to my happiness. The next morning after I got Mom home she was in real bad shape, I called her NP and was told to get her right back to the hospital. I did as I was told, the DR in the ER wanted to have me drawn and quarterd until it was made clear to him she had been in Re-Hab getting in this awful shape. She was admitted into the hospital in the step down unit, where an aggressive procedure was implanted . It took 1 and a half weeks to fix what Evesham Care One had caused, but Mom was finally healthy when it comes to  her heart and Kidneys, her mind however would never repair itself , in fact it it will just get worse as the days go on, and the months at Evesham didn't help.

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         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...