Monday, January 27, 2014

A Late Start With Pictures Worth Waiting For

  I went for a ride today taking the long way to the store and I am so pleased that I did. Remember the Lama photo I took with my short lens on one of the snow day walks?

 Well today I had my long lens with me and the Lama's were in the same barn but outside the door. It took about a dozen shots due to having trouble keeping my tripod still in the wind, it didn't help that I didn't have the camera turned tight enough. Anyway I got two clear shots and of them only one is real good. 

However the difference in how clear I could get with this lens compared to the short lens is more then noticeable.
  When I got home from my ride not having found anything to photograph other then the Lamas I putzed  around the house and took a few shots of random odd things like the dogs relaxing,

 Getty modeling in the snow, 

 a bird out the window that insisted on hiding from me,

 and melting ice cubes.

  All day I was excited to upload my photos and write my blog, but since I have been making a point of staying off the couch I find myself with more energy and involved in more and more projects around the house that I have just been ignoring. Not just involved but finishing the projects. A good thing I would say.
   "What Was Dinner"? Fun! the best way to describe last night dinners. It was grilled steak once again with twice baked potatoes both courtesy of Bill. All I had to do was make the salad and take the pictures.
   Bill had me out taking grill shots,

 notice the icicles frozen to the side of the house, yep that is right winter is no reason to stop grilling.  Dinner was just to pretty to pass up a picture or two.

 Dinner wasn't just pretty it was a little bit of heaven on our plates, yes it was that good.
     I hope you had a magnificent Monday. Thank you for stopping by. 

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