Monday, July 2, 2012


As you see I have been playing around with my blog page changing this adding that. Well that is because I have no idea what to do for July and I thought well maybe I would get inspiration just being here. No such luck. A new dish each day was hard to keep up with in a month with out vacations trips and other obligations, in fact I didn't keep up. So I don't think I will do that again this month. 
 As I sit here thinking of the lovely weekend I spent enjoying blue skies, bright sunshine, and the refreshing ocean breeze. I realize that not cooking or minimal cooking is the call of the day in both July and August. That is not to say Bill and I don't like to eat well or don't enjoy all the fresh foods available during the summer months. It is more like we are having so much fun taking advantage of the long days and the great weather summer has to offer,that it is hard to stop and think about what to cook let alone cook.
 This last paragraph has given me a ruff idea of what to write about during the month of July and maybe even August. As I said it is a ruff idea and I will have to smooth out the edges and think this all the way through before I go forward. Basically I am going to be looking for recipes and ideas that keep me out of the kitchen and keep us well feed. 
  You already know that the foil pack will be used a lot because it works inside or out and does indeed keep me out of the kitchen. I am sure however that with all the recipes and cooking ideas I have with in easy reach I will find other dishes and cooking methods that will be just as exciting as foil packs.

1 comment:

  1. I love how your blog has progressed! I see you added some great features! I love the pageview counter and the collage of food pics on your header! I love the way you write too...straight from the heart!

    It's great that your spending lots of time outside. I love grilling too! Can't wait to see some of your new grilling methods...yes, foil packs make it soooo much easier! lol!


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