Saturday, June 30, 2012

What Was New at Dinner 06/29/2012

Today we are shore bound for the weekend. I cleaned the house yesterday including scrubbing the kitchen so I was not cooking no way no how. 
 First I asked for cheese steaks from a real good sandwich place a short ride from here. I have been craving taco's for a while now and said so. Well we pulled out our computers and found the menu for Baja Fresh the closes Mexican restaurant to our house.A short 5 minutes later I was on my way to pick up dinner.
 I forgot to take a picture I was so hungry. Not eating while I was driving proved to be an incredibly hard task. My tummy growled louder then the radio and my mouth wouldn't stop watering making it next to impossible to concentrate on driving.
  We ordered an assortment of food featuring chicken,beef and seafood. I touched no seafood but I find the name "fish taco" funny. I had 2 beef tacos and some thing called Taquitos. I had never had them before but the description sounded like it was right up my alley so I gave them a try.
  I don't want to sound like a commercial or anything. Still it is true I really do prefer Baja Fresh to any other take out Mexican place. The food is as the name says fresh,plentiful and so very good.I like that there is no mashed together mush you can identify every little thing on your plate, and everything doesn't taste the same.
  Dinner was good. The Taquitos were very good both Bill and I enjoyed them. What was left over made an excellent breakfast this morning.
  Since I didn't take a picture of our delicious Mexican feast I will share the link to the menu with you. Looking for take out this weekend but something different then pizza well maybe Mexican is your answer.
 Enjoy the week end every one I know I am going to! Happy Sunshine.  

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