Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What Was New at Dinner 06/12/2012

I spent yesterday morning not on the computer but reading cook books, my grandma's old books.I have a lot of cook books and like looking at all of them and Grandma's are the most fun.
 Years ago Grandma gave me a collection of the pamphlet cook books that she had collected over the years and put into a binder,that binder was one of the coolest gifts I got from her.There is hours of reading enjoyment as well as some good food in this collection of pamphlets.
 There are 3 pamphlets that are my hands down favorite cook books of all time. The recipes are very good, well they look good until last night I had never tried one,however it is the titles that make them stand out. "Meat Men Like","Desserts Men Like" and last but not least and where one of my new things on the table came from "Pies Men Like" I kid you not the actual titles.


I decided to try making a pie,I have made maybe 2 pies in my life time with some success so I thought what the heck I will give it a whirl.Then I wondered if I made a pie before does that mean it is not new at dinner. I answered myself that I never made this pie before or used this recipe so that makes it new. I chose to make a Lemon Meringue pie.This recipe is not for the faint of heart as it leaves you guessing about timing and temperature and such. As your standing there stirring and stirring and stirring  and 30 minutes later the sauce is still not thick or may be it is because it sticks to the spoon and the spoon leaves a trail that last a few seconds you have to just guess if you don't know because well the recipe doesn't really tell you. I think I guessed pretty good my lemon pudding could have been stiffer but it didn't flow all over the plate like soup when I served it.
 Here is a picture of my pie

  Here is the recipes picture.
Here is the recipe.
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup flour
1cup water 
3egg yolks
1 lemon grated rind and juice
1/8 tsp salt
2 tbsp butter or margarine
1 9 in baked pie shell
3 egg whites
6 tbsp sugar
Combine the 1 cup sugar,flour,and a little of the water.Mix till smooth.Beat egg yolks; add to sugar mixture;stir well.Add remaining water.Cook over hot water until thick stirring constantly.Cover;cook 10 minutes.Remove from heat;add lemon rind,juice,salt,and butter. Mix well.Pour while hot into chilled pie shell.Whip egg whites until stiff but not dry add sugar gradually beating constantly. Swirl on to pie. Bake in a moderately low oven 325*F,15 to 20 minutes or till brown.
That is the recipe word for word. The results was a very good pie that I had a lot fun making. Bill called it Aces so I guess it really is "Pies Men Like"

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