Monday, April 22, 2024

Short and Sweet!


               Busy Busy Busy, that would be me ! 

  The weekend was filled with family, friends, games and lots of good food. We wished farewell to friends parents as they made ready to travel back to Poland, We enjoyed coffee and cake and conversation that we only understood a small portion of. Listening to another language being spoken fluently and quickly always seems like a form of music to me. I played Rummy Kub with the girls one night and as always no matter where we play or who wins or if we even follow the rules I had a blast, chatting and laughing just enjoying the company of friends. Last but not least we had the pleasure of celebrating Bill's sisters, and our nephews birthdays. We also got to see our niece and her husbands new home. The house is amazing, perfect for the life they have now and roomy enough  for them to grow in. As always there was lots of  love, good food and wonderful conversation.

  If we weren't out and about being social bunnies, I was in my sewing room. I haven't made it to the farmers market yet because I didn't get done what I wanted when I wanted and once I did finish those items I decided I needed a few more items finished  before going to the market. I love saying that, " Going to market to sell my wares" It is so fun to say. I will be going tomorrow I hope, and with luck what I already sold to the market has sold and Joanne will be more than happy to buy more from me.

  I do believe it is time to get back on the flea market circuit. I need to add to my income and I want to keep my freedom. Flea Markets can give me both.I also have an abundance of stuff, not anything I need, just stuff. Stuff I can sell cheap because it is just stuff and I don't care about it. I don't mind getting rich a dollar at a time. 

  Remember the nest. Well I thought I had scared the Momma away when I messed with the nest. I didn't think it was an active nest when I moved it for photos, and when I found out it was a new nest I put it back, luckily  Momma did come back. She shored it up, made the nest taller, tighter and much neater. Then she was gone, nothing was happening with the nest it stayed empty. We didn't touch it but Bill is tall enough that he can put his phone up and grab a picture or just look to see what is in there. Every time he would peek the nest was empty.  The other day Momma was in the nest, she flew away when we stepped out the door, that is how we noticed her being back at the nest. Bill used the phone to have a quick look and there are now eggs in the nest. He snapped one photo with the phone and we moved on.

     We have been doing everything to leave her be and keep the porch quiet with as little movement as possible, we feel so bad when we do disturb her causing her to fly over to the other side of the porch until we move on and she can go back to the nest. I find myself timing my exit and entrances to her schedule, or using the back door. I used my 300mm lens today and stood as far out in the front yard as I could to get a few shots of Momma.

    They aren't the best shots, but to be fair I wasn't going for quality I was more so wanting to get a photo without disturbing her. I know they are just birds, common Robins at that , but watching new life begin is always so exciting.

    Whats For Dinner !

  I am pretty much excited on this one. It is a twofer and both recipes are AllRecipe recipes. Not by design but by the luck of the draw. A recipe came across my Face Book time line that intrigued me so I saved it. A biscuit recipe with cheese. Cheese !  the recipe kept nagging at the back of my mind. I just knew I had to try it. The night I planned to try it, I wait until an hour before dinner to really read the recipe, and to look to see if I had the ingredients. Yes I know, meal planning has its perks. Of course I don't have the main ingredient, I don't have bisquick. I am not about to let that deter me, oh no, not when I have decided I am making biscuits and have planned my entire meal around them. So purse in hand I am headed for the door and the store, when I come to a full stop. Wait can't you make bisquick at home from scratch? I look it up and sure enough yes you can and it is easy too. Bisquick

   The biscuits couldn't be easier even if you need to make your own baking mix.Cheesy Biscuits

     Bill took one bite and actually said DELICIOUS !. They are full of flavor without being over bearing with too much cheese, and while light and fluffy aren't words I would use to describe them that aren't dry or hard either. I only made a small adjustment, by adding oregano into the mix, just a pinch and using fresh sage in place of the parsley as the topping, it gave the herb flavoring a bit of a punch I think. Oh and I adjusted the servings down from 20 to 5 biscuits. I will be making theses again, I think they will go well with many different meals. This time I made Chili as my main dish and it turned out to be a hit too. I made it completely different then I have ever done before and I am in love with the flavor it produced. 

     No you aren't missing it, I didn't share my new way of making Chili. Today was about the biscuit and the baking mix I needed to make the biscuits with.

     I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...