Tuesday, April 9, 2024

It isn't always good times!

   I moved into this community 8 yrs ago. During that time I have lived life as fully as I can. That includes meeting new and interesting people.

   Diane was one of them. She was one of the first people I got to know, and whose company I throughly enjoyed. I am still not sure how old Diane is, all I know was when she told me she had children my age and grown Grands with kids I was flabbergasted. Diane looked no older than me. In all the 8 yrs I have known her I don't believe she aged a single little bit.

   The last few times I had seen her at different functions and dances she did look tired, and when I asked about it, she kind of blew it off. Said she was having test done and things were being looked at, but mostly she talked about her husband and how he was doing and how she was trying to get him out and about. She would say she was tired and achey but she didn't dwell on it. She would be more interested in how I was doing, being a Mom never left her for a minute. She would ask all kinds of questions and actually stand there and listen to the answers. Diane is a one of a kind women.

  We had grown apart over the past few yrs we saw each other less, and talked less. Mostly that was on me, I withdrew from life and people so intently so deeply that when I finally came back, understandably people had moved on. Diane was still there but her life was getting harder and her time was being taken up with other obligations. That didn't stop us from hugging and smiling and holding on a minute longer when we did see each other, it didn't stop the deep affection I felt for her, or the gratitude. 

  During a time when life was just not something I could handle, my Mom was, well she was so far gone in the world of dementia that she wasn't Mom, there was just this shell and she was lost inside somewhere, and I was just not handling it at all, I was doing anything and everything trying to escape, to not see, to not realize and most of all to not hurt every time Mom would look at me and ask who are you. At the pool and at the dances and other functions in our community, Diane would seek me out, hug me tell me I was loved, that I was doing an awesome job, and that no matter what I should be proud. Then she would kiss my cheek give me a squeeze and be on her way.

  Diane loved to be social, and besides a large and loving family Diane had the largest circle of friends you ever have seen, her friends ranged in age 0 to 100 she didn't care if you you were fat, ugly, and short, or if you were the beauty of the world if she liked you, she liked you. Just don't get on her wrong side, I suspect it would be very cold there.

  Yesterday was the solar eclipse and most people will remember the date for that reason. Me I will remember the date because that's the day Heaven gained an Angel and we lost a beautiful soul.


  1. Joan, that was absolutely beautiful tribute to Diane. I think she heard it and she is smiling.

  2. Lovely words about a lovely lady. May she rest in peace 🙏

  3. beautiful words from beautiful woman

  4. Sweet tribute. I'm sorry for your loss.


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