Saturday, July 19, 2014

Madeline, Farm Fair & Dinner

 Good Saturday to you. I have a big day ahead of me and can't wait to get started. The garden in the morning and an over night getaway with a wedding in between.  I had an even bigger week. So big I didn't even have time to post a word on Wednesday. That is okay because I have more than a word to post today.
   Tuesday brought thunder storms and heavy rain and Madeline. The rain didn't stop our fun we spent our evening playing. We had pretend sword fights, pillow fights,( just light taps but fun just the same) and after everyone else went to bed we had a dance recital. All of this fun was had in our jammies making it a true slumber party. We giggled late into the evening and slept in on Wednesday.
  Wednesday morning was still wet and a little dreary so Madeline and I went shopping. Dzia needed new sneakers, meaning we were shopping at Khol's. Where I always find the sneakers he likes in his size at a price that we don't have to take a mortgage out on the house to afford. While we were there I strolled over towards the dish ware and Fiesta ware. Before I could say I want to look at dishes Madeline says in a very dreamy voice " Oh look Fiesta ware I love Fiesta ware " She melts my heart just being alive but at that moment in time the Grandmama pride and love I felt melted my entire being. As we are checking out all the different dishes and colors I notice the new poppy is in. The only open stock piece they had was a small fruit bowl. Not something I normally get. Resisting the boxed place setting I really want I start to walk away when Madeline once again makes my day. " Grandmama" she says " can I have these little bowls for my snacks? " Then comes with hands firmly placed on her hips and a look of total concern " Hey where is my Flamingo Fiesta ware?"  I tell her it has been discontinued and this gives her pause to think for a moment before " Why?" is uttered closely followed by " Well that is just not right. " I spot 2 Flamingo fruit bowls all the way up on the tippy top rack and tell her I will get a sales person to get one down if she wants it. She thinks about that and then starts bringing one of every color fruit bowl there to one spot to compare and pick her favorites. She tells me we have to get two and I tell her one of them has to be the new color Poppy. She sets the Poppy to the side and then starts something I found amazing for a 6 year old. She started naming the colors. I don't really like Lemongrass, ( that was her statement) but I like blue should I get Lapis or Peacock. I told her Lapis is my favorite and that Peacock was her Mom's.

 To my surprise and pleasure she picked Lapis.  As soon as we came home it was M&M's in Lapis for her. We couldn't decide between us if the poppy was closer to red or orange so we made a stack of the colors Madeline thought would show us the Poppies true color.

 She started with a dinner plate in Persimmon, a luncheon plate in Scarlet, and a sandwich plate in Tangerine, on top of the stack she placed the Poppy bowl. She has decided it is in the orange family and she likes it. I guess when I no longer need my dishes I know where they will have a good home.
  Thursday was so hard for me to hold the excitement in and keep my secret. Farm Fair was opening in the afternoon and Madeline's Mom would be joining us. Both events would bring Madeline nothing but joy and anticipation. I didn't want to torture her or myself for that matter so I kept my secret and enjoyed the squeal of absolute happiness when her Mom walked through the door. Farm Fair is exactly what it says. It is a fair with a midway full of fun rides and games, and display tents filled with farm animals and tools. There are many hands on see how it is done displays for the kids.

 This is a county fair and it is big. Costly just like any fair but totally worth as you watch your family learn and have fun doing it. Madeline did a little of everything, she learned about milking cows.

 Saw more then a dozen different kind of roosters.

 We all agreed this guy while not the happiest bird in the coop he was the coolest looking bird in the coop. 

Madeline enjoyed petting a calf named Olaf, and judging by the smile on Olaf's face he enjoyed the petting too.

 Now you know every bunny, and baby chick, duck, or goose she was allowed to touch and pet she did.

 The Alpaca's were not interested in getting petted but they were too cute not to share with you.

 After all that petting and learning we were hungry. Fair food is always so fun, you are never sure what your going to get. My Daughter in Law and I went for the curried chicken and jerked chicken. with rice and veggies. So glad it was good and filling because it was so so so over priced. Madeline took the opportunity to enjoy one of her favorite foods Pizza. We enjoyed our meal in a dinning tent adorned with art work from preteens using recyclable trash. Madeline enjoyed that display the most I think.

 After dinner and a tour of the art work it was on to the rides. Every ride was a blast.

 The one my daughter in law and I enjoyed the most was the one we let Madeline go on alone. Just watching her face go through an entire range of emotions from fear, to uncertainty, to calm, and then finally total enjoyment was priceless.

 The fact that I caught them all on camera while she was moving along at a nice little clip is pure bonus. We ended our time on the midway with a nice game of balloon darts where she won a Jedi sword. Our last stop before leaving the fair grounds was for a little American Gothic fun and photo op.

 I couldn't stop the little smile and laugh as Madeline and her Mom drove down the road and the inside of the car was all illuminated in green light. May The Force Be With You, was all I could think.
  " What Was Dinner "  Have I ever mentioned before that we are grilling fools in the summer? Well we are even heavy rain and thunder storms don't stop us.

 I had a pork loin in the freezer and I was looking for something other then a roast to do with it. I came across this recipe on my daily trip to
 It requires only a few ingredients most of which you probably already have on hand, and because it is kabobs it is easy to put together,cook and serve.

 I made extra and froze them for a future dinner. We had them the next night. They are just that good.

 The one and only change I made was to add mushrooms, only because they needed using up.  I don't consider using my mini bells a change and they needed using too. This is a recipe worth trying.Rain or shine this dish  won't let you down.

 Have a wonderful weekend! Thank you for stopping by.

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