Friday, August 30, 2024

Really Michael !

  Really Michael, that's all I could say when my son texted me that Uncle Mike was not going to live very much longer.

   Not really Michael like I am mad or disappointed, or anything like that. More like Really,Michael I am so not ready for this. As you would say if we we actually having this conversation, " It doesn't matter if you are ready it's coming." Then you would laugh make some totally awful joke and punch my arm lightly( well lightly in your mind) and move one to a whole new conversation.

  If you knew Michael, you will understand , Tupperware, beer, and dancing. All those words in someway describes Michael. I will never not think of Michael when I hear those words. 

  I met Michael when I was 25.  His presence was bigger than life, full of energy and light. I saw it clear as day from the street far below, as I looked up, Jim saying to me that's my brother Mike, don't worry he only thinks he's scary. I got that idea as well, as he held one nephew or another upside down at the top of the stairs demanding a bribe to allow the child to pass. There was no fear in the boys eyes or even his voice as he tried to speak over the laughter. " And that is my nephew Joey, that is being held for a toll." " Uncle Money Uncle Money, help me help me!" That was Joey hollering in-between the laughing bubbles, to who I couldn't exactly figure out, until Jim jumps out of the car digging into his pockets pulling out change as he jogged across the street, and then threw it up the steps at Joey. Jim jumps back in the car proudly saying, " and I am Uncle Money" waving at the now large group of people standing on the top of the stairs as we drive on by. That was my first glimpse of my future family and the one of the best bother in laws a girl could ask for.

  For so many years Michael was always there, we lived with him, he lived with us, we lived with him again, we lived down the street from him. He lived up the street from us. He had a key to every house we ever lived in and didn't need to knock. I was so use to Michael being with us that I at times suffered withdraw when he wasn't around.

  There are, were certain things that you could count on when Michael was coming to the party, no matter what the party was. He alway brought humor, no matter how sad the occasion Michael could make you smile and feel good even if only for the briefest of moments. 

Strength and stability, no matter how bad or trying a situation could be he was alway able to handle it and bring about a solution that not only worked but was timely. I should know Mike rescued me so many times, and I never once saw his feathers ruffle or his cool get heated, and always ,always, once he had helped me fix what ever it was that needed fixing, he would make me laugh, and not feel like a complete idiot. Don't get me wrong, I have seen Michael get angry, just never at someone needing help. 

Music, not a single note could be playing but when Michael walked into the room you heard music, maybe because even when he walked he looked like he was dancing, and was often singing. 

Something else he would bring to the party, and that was DANCE. There was no worries about dancing at your party, if Michael was coming,  he was dancing and he wasn't dancing alone. The excuse," I don't know how to dance" or " I don't know this dance" wouldn't work with Michael, nope he would teach you, right then right there, he would teach you. No one sat, there were no wall flowers when Michael was around. 

His abounding love for life, for people, and for his family always showed no matter what, it was always there. 

 Generosity, Michael would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it, but he was more than that when it came to generous, he would give as much of himself as was needed to help you, to make you feel loved, wanted, needed, cared for. What ever it took Michael was down for it.

  While Michael was no saint he was one of the best men I have had the pleasure to know, to love and to share a part of my life with. 

  So with a tear running down my cheek and a sadness in my heart I say " Really Michael, Really, this was just too too soon." 

  In reality I know the tears and that sadness is for me and me alone, because there isn't a doubt in my mind that 

    Michael, with a Beer-stein in one hand and a large stack of Tupperware in the other greeted his Mom and Dad as well as so many others he loved with a smile on his face, saying " Let's get this party started"

 Rest In Peace Michael Kennedy, you always be remembered the good the bad and most of all that you danced, when you had the chance you danced!

1 comment:


         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...