Monday, May 7, 2018

Chapter 8

 Lily Mea wakes with an idea, not the best she is sure, but better then not trying at all. Lily Mea decided she could talk loudly to her guards as if she were asking questions  about why she now was restricted and had a guard, hoping  Joe hears the conversation, she could do the same with the young women she  shared a shelter with. If she conversed loudly with both the guard and her Lodge mate there was a chance Joe would be near and hear. Lily Mea also decided she could write a warning in the dirt if she made it look like a simple boredom doodle. She had never seen anyone write a single english letter, only crude drawings and lines, if she was careful to avoid those drawings and lines, she just might be able to warn Joe in writing as well as word.
   Taking advantaged of a warrior that was bored and uninterested in standing guard over a harmless white women and an ugly little baby, Lily Mea spent the day scribbling out " Not Safe " in the dirt for Joe to see. She did her best to make it look picture like and still be readable.  
 As Joe  looks down from his high perch he Smiles to himself  thinking Lily Mea is a pretty smart girl. He got her message loud and clear.
    By staying high in the trees until he was positive he could move without being spotted, Joe got himself away. He traveled as fast and as quietly as he could, and he didn't stop until he was sure he was not being followed or tracked.When he felt it was safe to stop Joe made up a small camp.  Without a fire he sat there eating jerky and drinking godawful cold coffee, in a moment of disgust Joe throws the coffee into the night and gets the bottle of whiskey he had salvaged from the carnage that once was a wagon train, out of his saddle bag. Sitting back starring at the stars he wonders aloud " just how in tarnashion am I going to get to that women the  baby and get us all out alive? " A warm glow began inside of him as the whiskey took affect and Joe slid into a comfortable sleep under the stars for first time since the wagon train was attacked and Lily taken. WhenJoe wakes the next morning he has a fuzzy head and a clear idea of how to save Lily and hopefully keep them a alive.

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         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...