Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Picture Wednesday & Dinner

 I have taken 1000's of pictures in the last year.  I am serious 1000's of pictures. I only get to share a few at a time here normally. I usually share just enough to help tell what ever story I am telling on any given day. Today I decided not to tell a story with words in fact I no story at all really. I went through my May and June photos and pulled some of my favorites together for this post. There is a little bit of everything going on today. Nature gets the most entries because well there is so much to nature.


 Flowers and trees. 

Birds, & Bugs.

 Even rain doesn't escape my camera.

 There are people shots that I am just so proud of even a few pictures of me.

 Then there are my favorite of all favorites my family photos. Nothing is better then looking back at all the fun we have together.

 Dogs and cats catch my attention all the time. They are natural born models.

 This post wouldn't be complete without at least one picture of the garden. I have more then one. The garden when we started,

 The garden now.

 And some random photos that just simply bring me pleasure.

  " What Was Dinner " I tried another Barilla recipe this week and Wow.

 I wasn't sure what to expect when I picked this recipe. Cabbage and pasta! I really wasn't sure but I was to intrigued not to try it. So very glad I did. Easy, tasty and different. 

  1 box Barilla Campanelle
1 lb pork spare rib
1 sprig rosemary
4 cloves minced garlic
4 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 cup dry white wine
1 medium cabbage head ( 3 cups ) sliced thin
1 cup chicken broth
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese.
  On a baking pan with an edge covered with foil place the ribs fat side down. season with salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic, and olive oil. Cover with foil and place in a 300 degree oven or grill. Bake 3 hours uncover and add wine. Recover and bake another hour.
 Cook pasta as directed. While cooking pasta saute 2 tablespoons minced garlic in olive oil. Add cabbage, chicken broth and cook until cabbage is tender.
  Remove meat from the bone and add to cabbage mixture, simmer 5 minutes more. Drain pasta and toss with cabbage. Mix in butter and cheese before serving.

cabbage and pasta
  I changed the cooking directions for the ribs and loved the results. Tender juicy full of flavor. The entire dish was amazingly good, much better then we were expecting. Just goes to show it pays to try the odd and unusual. My activity for the Allstars was trying Barilla products and reviewing them. I have always used Barilla pastas so this was an easy activity for me. I was so very happy finding a new way to use pasta that I just had to share it with you.  #Allstarsbarilla

  Happy Wednesday everyone! Thank you for stopping by.

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         At last something to write about. I don't imagine you really wanted to read about how I did the laundry, mopped the floors and ...