Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Snow Party

 Well not a party really, just a few friends that stopped by to watch the snow fall and enjoy a cocktail. Sort of a tradition that started a few years ago on a cold snowy February day. It was Bill's birthday and I had purchased this extra tall bottle of Polish Vodka as a gift. I built a snowman and stuck the bottle in a pile of snow in front of the snowman, then I placed some Polish shot glasses like buttons on the snowman. Bill remembers that as one of his favorite birthdays. Just him and I and his 2 best friends and a friendly snowman for a bartender. From then on it became a tradition when they call for a big snow storm we get the Polish Vodka out and watch the snow come down. Unfortunately we were forced to enjoy Manhattans last night instead of the vodka because our local store no longer carries that particular vodka.
     Today is colder then cold and I am not all that willing to go out side.

 I took a walk a long walk at that and have not been able to get warm since.  
I just loved how the tree shadows played on the snow. Liked it enough to take my gloves off and take the picture. 
A few living things that didn't mind the cold today. It was beautiful out today so bright and crisp. The roads were all still white and sparkly. I like how the snow looked like it had gemstones of every color laying on it from the suns reflection. Not a good picture day for me I just was unable to get good clean shots. I think the parka and shaking from cold may have a little to do with that.
    " What Was Dinner"? Last night was fend for yourself so nothing more special then hot dogs and chili. Don't be disappointed, you know all that time I wasn't writing well I was still cooking and taking pictures so I will share a few of my favorites recipes that I have already made more then once.
 These yummy looking things are just that yummy. I have made these for 5 different parties and they are the first to be finished. In fact my sons 30th it is a good thing I made 2 separate batches because the first batch didn't make to the guest arriving. These little beauties are call blue bacon stuffed mushrooms.
Blue Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms

 This decadent dish is almost good for you, and most certainly one of the best mashed cauliflower recipes I have ever made. As I say in my review the children at my dinner table had no idea they were eating cauliflower. They had 2nds and 3rds. My niece called a few days after that dinner to say that she and Alexis (One of the kids at my table) were having dinner at her sisters and Lex tasted the mashed cauliflower there and wouldn't eat it, this is the little girl that ate 3 servings at my table. As I said this is the best recipe for mashed cauliflower I have tried and I am keeping it.
Mashed Cauliflower Bake

   Well it is still cold and I am still not warming up so I think it is time for me to go on into the kitchen and see if I can heat things up a little bit.
     Hope your Wednesday has been warm and dry. Thanks for stopping by.

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Who Knows

   Button , button who has the button? Together they didn't make a complete brain, but that didn't stop the two best friends from co...