Thursday, November 22, 2012

Well it seems that I will be moving my blog else where. I will not pay to upload pictures and now that goggle has taken over picasa and here pictures I never uploaded to picasa are now there and my storage is full and I can no longer upload pictures to this blog unless I upgrade and pay Picasa for storage space. Well they are storing pictures I never asked them to store due to updates and changes made by goggle so I feel they should not charge me for a service I did not request.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

October one very Spooky Month

What a month! The entire month was filled with tricks and treats. Let me just say I would rather have the treats.
  This month Allrecipe gave their brand ambassadors a sweet month as they partnered up with Karo syrup to bring us some of the best recipes to help make any party a sweet success.
 There are so many good recipes made with Karo syrup that are perfect for the holidays starting with Halloween and not stopping at Christmas. There is a caramel corn recipe that I wasn't able to try this month but the rave reviews it received has me convinced that I will be trying it next month and maybe making it as a Christmas gifts.
Caramel corn
   Normally Halloween is a big deal with me decorations, costumes, parties, and lots of treats. This year however this month threw so many tricks my way that Halloween was lost in the shuffle. Not completely lost just almost. 
    I had such a good time with Madeline decorating my front yard it was very much like a party. We ran around on a perfect sunny day placing plastic pumpkins and Styrofoam gravestones in just the right spot to be spooky. We laughed and joked, so fun.Then she helped me take the perfect picture of the pie that to my surprise my picky 4 yr old kept picking at. She wouldn't out right eat it but she picked enough to tell me she liked it. I had never made a pecan pie before and never knew how easy it was. 
Posing like she is scared in a graveyard
Forgetting to be scared in the graveyard
Not just easy but so good as well. Madeline wasn't the only one that thought my pie was good. I had a hard time convincing this guy to get off my pie.
  Pecan Pie
 On the Monday before Halloween Sandy was starting to blow her mighty winds and rains our way leaving us with little doubt that she meant business. So while I still had power I started making my spooky marshmallows. Yep that is right marshmallows. I kept my fingers crossed the entire 10 minutes it takes to mix this. The only electric needed. I just finished spreading my mixture when the lights went out. I am not talented at some things and cutting shapes into marshmallow is one of those things so I accepted this fact and gracefully moved on and just cut the marshmallow into bite size squarish pieces. I did my best to make my photo ghost like spooky to live up to the name of the recipe "Spooky Homemade Marshmallows"
Spooky Homemade Marshmallows
Madeline says these are better then the ones in a bag. I was sure she wouldn't try one because of the shape. Bill says they make the best S'mores ever, and for the first time in forever Hot Chocolate is on the list so I can float my marshmallows.
  I saved the best treat of the month for last. This recipe will be my go to recipe from now on when I want an apple pie. Hands down this was the best Apple Pie I have ever eaten let alone made.
 Caramel Apple Pie
This pie is so good and will be doing a guest spot on my Christmas table.
  So while Octobers tricks were large and at times painful, her treats were just as sweet and more often then not full of joy.
                              Happy Happy Halloween!


Walking in The Neighborhood with my Camera / Whats For Dinner

  And a new week is about to begin. I am telling you life moves too fast at a certain point. No matter how I try slowing it down just doesn&...