Monday, July 30, 2012

Dinner in the Summer Time. Back to cooking.

I lazed about all day Sunday watching movies and playing on the lap top. I got dressed long enough to walk back to the neighbors house where Bill was hanging out and ask him what was for dinner. He told me "what ever you cook honey." That was not what I wanted to hear but pretty much what I expected to hear. So I trudged back up to the house and put my P.J.s back on and started thinking about dinner. 
 A quick look around the kitchen told me I had nice looking pork chops defrosted. I saw rice and beans in my future, that is until I noticed the nice big rip peaches sitting on the counter. Then my dinner plans did a flip flop and landed on a whole new taste idea. I didn't use this recipe last night but it is the recipe that flashed in my head when I saw the peaches.                                                                                     
 My dinner last night was very simple and quick with out sacrificing any flavor. 
  I seasoned the pork chops with salt, pepper, onion, garlic, & curry powder. I pitted and quartered the peaches,placed them one the broiler with the chops. I drizzled honey on the peaches and sprinkled lightly with curry and cinnamon. I broiled on the 2 nd rack down. While the meat was broiling I was making the rice and steaming broccoli all in one pan using the steaming basket. I through a cinnamon stick in with the cooking rice. I wasn't sure how it would work but I had to try it any way. The peaches were done before the meat so I pulled them off the broiler and set them on the counter.I quickly found out letting the hot fruit cool is not such a bad idea.
Don't let the dark outer skin fool you just like a roasted marshmallow the peaches were perfect on the inside. Sweet, juicy, soft ( not mushy). Take the curry out of the line up and peaches cooked this way would make ice cream even better.
 Bill did not get left overs of this dinner.It was just that good you couldn't stop eating it. The cinnamon stick was subtle and aromatic not at all over powering. Curry and peaches were made for each other adding a special zip to the dish. I am always saying Bill can really cook a steak,well not to pat my own back or nothing but I have yet to meet a pork chop I didn't like!


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